Friday, June 09, 2006

One more thing.......

As many of you know, I have been involved with the ALS Association of Northern New England for the past couple of years. As mentioned in a previous post, my beloved uncle passed away from the disease on April 16th, 2005, and I am devoted to help in any way I can to find a cure for the disease. Today I was honored to be named Corporate Chair of this year's Walk to D'Feat ALS in Burlington. If there is anyone out there who would like to volunteer for this year's walk, make a donation, or lend support in any other way, please make a comment on this post, and I will make sure to get back to you.

My personal goal this year is to raise $5,000.00 for ALS research. Please go to and click on the walk link on the left hand side. Go to Burlington Walk, and make a donation towards my goal, the name of the team is "Fells Finishers".

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